Verse 2 "I will praise the LORD as long as I live; I will sing praises to my God while I have my being."
I will praise God as long as I have the mental capacity to do so, whether convenient or faced with certain pain or death, whether in obedience or shame, weather satisfied or discontent. I will not allow my desire for the comfortable to overshadow my need to praise my Savior.
Verse 3-4 "Put not your a son of man, in whom there is no salvation."
In all teaching, I must come back to God's word to verify what is true. Furthermore, I must fight to keep my full trust and hope for satisfaction and salvation in Christ. I know myself and I like to look to people, especially men and those in authority, for validation and significance. I allow people, or even mere relationships, to usurp the throne of my heart if I am not vigilant. The consequences are wretched and painful, leaving me ashamed and angry at myself and cut off the relationship. I then find myself wondering how to get through such a situation and ask if reconciliation is possible, or even beneficial. Sometimes it is not. I must trust Christ alone!
Verse 5-9 "Blessed is he...whose hope is the LORD his God."
I want blessing and to be a blessing; I want my blind eyes to be made to see my Savior and see creation through His eyes. I want to be free; I want to be satisfied wholly in Him. I want to uphold His cause as He holds me.
Verse 10 "The LORD will reign forever... Praise the LORD!"
No mater the current state of the world, or even the current state of me, God reigns and will always reign. Praise the LORD indeed!
Reign in my heart today and draw me to yourself for satisfaction and contentment. Give me the strength to guard my heart and the wisdom to know when to share it. YOU are sovereign, amazing, GOD and I am awed by your love.